Title: Yellow Flowers (Moidart Peninsula)
Size: 34cm x 34cm
Medium: Mixed media acrylic paint, tissue paper & metallic foils.

About the Artist

I am an artist based in the east coast, seaside town of North Berwick. I graduated from Gray’s School of Art, Aberdeen in 1977. Since retiring from my job as a Principal Teacher of Art & Design I am now able to focus on pursuing my own artwork.

Most of my work depicts the varied landscape and coastline of East Lothian. I am particularly inspired by the stark, rugged emptiness of the Lammermuir Hills. However in recent times I have begun to concentrate more on imagery based on the openness of the sky, seascape, estuaries, inlets and other aspects of the coastal plain.

I try to capture the immediate colour, mood and atmosphere of the place rather than a direct likeness. To achieve this I often use a variety of materials and media such as acrylic paint, tissue paper, foil papers and oil bars. I then carefully layer these materials to create a desired effect.

My most recent images are a new departure for me and have been created mainly in black and white using wax and acrylic paint on thin aluminium sheet. The initial artwork is created by applying hot wax to the surface of the aluminium followed by applications of black paint which at different stages is built up in layers of line, texture and tone which are worked into or in some cases removed altogether.

For the moment this technique seems to be working well and is enabling me to experiment further and hopefully produce the type of expressive imagery I am constantly striving for.