Title: Mediterranean Lighthouse
Size: 24 x 28 inches
Medium: Oil

About the Artist

Born Glasgow 1946

Graduated in Drawing and Painting Glasgow School of Art (GSA) 1969


1966 · John and Mabel Craig Bequest, GSA
1969 · Haldane Travelling Scholarship, GSA
1969 · Carnegie Travelling Scholarship, RSA (Royal Scottish Academy)
1997 · David Cargill Award, RGI (Royal Glasgow Institute of the Fine Arts ) Annual Exhibition
1999 · Elected artist member of the Royal Glasgow Institute of the Fine Arts
2001 · John Cunningham Award, RGI Annual Exhibition
2008 · Inverarity Travel Award, RGI Annual Exhibition
2008 · Elected artist member of the Royal Scottish Society of Painters in Watercolour (RSW)
2009 · AB Framing Award, PAI (Paisley Art Institute) Annual Exhibition
2010 · House for an Art Lover Award, PAI Annual Exhibition
2012 · The Rendezvous Gallery, Artist In Residence Award, RSW Annual Exhibition
2012 ‧ Diploma of the Paisley Art Institute (PAI)
2013 ‧ University of the West of Scotland Award (PAI Annual Exhibition)
2017 · John Busby Award, RSW Annual Exhibition
2018 · Joe Hargan Award, PAI Annual Exhibition
2023 The Knox Award·PAI Annual Exhibition


Group Shows

1970 · Collins Gallery,  Glasgow
1984 · Face to Face ‧ Lillie Art Gallery, Milngavie, Glasgow
· Contemporary Scottish Artists · Arthur Anderson & Co
1992 · Leone Cockburn Gallery, Hong Kong Exhibition
2000 · Royal Scottish Academy, Festival Exhibition·
The Green Gallery, Buchlyvie
2007 · Portland Gallery, London
2008 · Arteries Gallery, Glasgow
2010 · Manor House Gallery, Chipping Norton
2011 · (Curator & Exhibitor) Picturing Places: Eight Viewpoints · House For An Art Lover, Glasgow
2017・Connections, Glasgow Art Club
2019-2022  Fidra Fine Art, Gullane
2023 - Billcliffe Gallery - 2 Person

Solo Exhibitions

1979 · Lillie Art Gallery, Milngavie
1993 · Festival Exhibition · Leone Cockburn Gallery, Edinburgh
2005 · 2010 ‧ 2013 · 2017 · 2021 · 2022 Lemon Street Gallery, Truro,  Cornwall
2007 · 2009 · 2013 ‧ 2016 · Edgar Modern International Art, Bath
2010 · RGI Kelly Gallery, Glasgow
2010 · Inverarity Vaults, Glasgow
2012 · Billcliffe Gallery, Glasgow

Regular Exhibitor in:

Ainscough Contemporary Art· Dartmouth
Arteries Gallery, Glasgow
Billcliffe Gallery, Glasgow
Green Gallery, Buchlyvie
Lemon Street Gallery, Truro, Cornwall
Lemond Gallery - Glasgow
RGI, RSW and PAI Annual Exhibitions
Thompsonʼs Gallery, London and Aldeburgh
Wade Gallery·Elie, Annual Summer Exhibition

Art Fairs in the UK (through Galleries)


The (Glasgow ) Herald December 2006 - 50 Artists to invest in
Whoʼs Who in Art ‧ 33rd Edition onwards


Adam & Co
Cunard : Queen Mary Liner (Commission)
Edinburgh Fund Managers
Glasgow City Council
Lanarkshire Education Authority
Leeds Education Authority
Royal Bank Of Scotland
Walter Scott & Partners, Edinburgh
Private Collections Internationally