Title: Tuscan Farm
Size: 20cm x 30cm
Medium: Gouache & Conte

Price: £800

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About the Artist

Michael Durning - Artist’s Synopsis

My subject matter originates from my concerns over the destruction of Scottish architecture, industry and sites of historic importance. Concerns that I see as major contributors to the destruction of Scottish identity.

I find a stark beauty in the monuments of our past, places that are the physical co-ordinates of our lives and our indigenous culture.

I produce paintings that seek to engage and stimulate an audience into re-evaluating our heritage Taking what is usually seen as urban blight out of its context to create monumental images of broken architecture that examines cultural, economic, historic and political changes in Scotland.

I use a layering technique of applying acrylic paint like lacquer. Surfaces are built up, drawn over, rubbed down, burnished, layered and drawn again.

I find more broken monumentality in the mountains of Scotland.

The geographical formations scoured and dissolved by weather systems are given architectural names. “ prisons”, “towers”, and “castles”.

These images are vigorously painted in only one thin layer of oil paint, subjecting the painting to a rapid drying time. The paint is pushed, wiped and manipulated over the smooth surface; the turpentine requires the piece to be completed within hours before it dries.

I remain influenced now as I was as a student, by the same three Scottish artists, Muirhead Bone, D. Y. Cameron and James Morrison

Date of Birth

1988-92 DJC of A
1994-95 Gray’s School of Art

Career Highlights

2023 Elected RGI
2014 Saved Paisley Art Institute Collection (320 works)
2014 Elected RSW
2011-15 President, Paisley Art Institute, Archivist, Collection Trustee, (PPAI)
2013 Elected PAI

RGI 2012, 1994 David Cargill, RGI Exhibition Awards,
PAI 2014, 2012, 2007
RSW 2002 & 2015 Hospitalfield Alumni Assoc., Hospitalfield Residencies
SDC 2007
RSA 1992 John Kinross Scholarship
2010 CRM Collioure Residency
2008 GAC Fellowship
NAAC 2004,‘02
2000 Hope Scott Trust
1998 Norwegian Residency

2003 Thyne Scholarship
1995 First Award, Aberdeen Art Gallery


RGI 1994, 2006-2013
RSW 2000,2008,2013-2015
RSA 2004
PAI 204-2015
Aspect 2006-2009

2015 Fidra Fine Art, Group Show
2016,’11,’10,’05,’01,1998. The Billcliffe Gallery
2014,’12 Smithy Gallery
2014,’08 Frames Gallery, Perth
2013 ‘Paisley Art Institute, Past and Present’, Paisley Museum
2011 McGill Duncan Gallery, House for an Art Lover
2009 Glasgow Art Club, PM Gallery, Art and Escape Galleries, London
2002 RSW Scottish Art Club,
1995 JD Kelly Gallery, RGI Award Exhibition
1994 RSA, “John Kinross Scholars 1984-94”
1992 Glasgow Vennel Gallery

Abroad France 2011, Italy 2000, Norway 1996,’98,‘99, Spain 2004

‘Paisley Art Institute, Past and Present’, 2013
‘Centenary of Legacy 1915-2015, PAI Collection’, 2015

PAI Medal 2012, ’13, ‘14