Title: Bubble Bowl 4
Size: 29cm x 5cm
Medium: Recycled Glass Bowl

About the Artist

Artist Statement

Many of my paintings and drawings are based on historic architecture, a rich source I find constantly challenging. I love the way light falls around the building, especially evening light; the cool subtle tones create a contrast against the warmth of street or interior lighting. I really enjoy observing the details and patterns from the buildings, simplifying, and stylizing them in my paintings. My works are not representational but contain the essence of place, strengthened by an intuitive use of colour. Recently I have begun to draw into a variety of surfaces including tissue paper to reflect the fragility of the worn surfaces on these buildings.


Over the years I have developed an increasingly expressive approach to both my painting and glass work, gaining awards and prestigious commissions. There is a symbiotic relationship between glass and painting that continues to strengthen and influence my mark making within each discipline. I am an elected Associate Member of the British Society of Master Glass Painters (AMGP) and a professional Member of the Society of Scottish Artists (SSA) Until recently, I served three years as Chair of the Scottish Glass Society. I am based in East Lothian where I teach courses in stained glass and painting from my workshop in Ormiston and work to commission on public and private glass projects. I have been fortunate to receive VACMA funding on five occasions to help develop various aspects of my practise.