Title: Harbour View and Still Life
Size: 28 x 30 inches
Medium: Acrylic on Gesso Panel

Price: £4250

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About the Artist

Born 1943, studied Glasgow School of Art 1962-67. After a years travelling scholarship to Europe, Jock returned to a lecturing post at GSA where he remained until 1996. He has won numerous awards including the Colquhoun Memorial Painting Competition 1978 and the Scottish Drawing Competition at PAI in 1988 & 1991. He has had regular solo shows in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Ayrshire, London, Truro & Collioure, France. His paintings are recognised by his own developed style of mark-making on prepared gesso boards and canvases. The combined subject matter and technique are reminiscent of the works of his influencers; the early twentieth century European masters (Braque, Matisse & Morandi) and the St. Ives group artists (Ben Nicholson, William Scott & Alfred Wallis).