Title: Still Life with Red Lamp and Palette Knives
Size: 10 x 10 inches
Medium: Oil on Board

Price: £1500

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About the Artist

Davy Brown was born in Kilmarnock in 1950. After studying at the Glasgow School of Art, Davy then spent two years teaching in Ayrshire, before a travelling scholarship from the Institute of Cultural Affairs in Chicago took him to the USA, Canada and Iceland. He then returned to Scotland to resume his career teaching at Grange Academy in Kilmarnock and then Principal Teacher of Art at Ravenspark Academy in Irvine in 1983. In 1989 he became Principal Teacher of Art at the Douglas-Ewart High School in Newton Stewart where he stayed until retiring from teaching in 2002 to concentrate on his painting.

During the 80's & 90's Davy became passionately concerned about threats to the environment, manifest in issues such as acid rain, erosion, forestry encroachment, multi-national test-boring and the Chernobyl disaster which had direct consequences on the sheep farmers of Galloway, the area that Davy painted. In 1996 a near fatal heart attack encouraged him to work towards giving up teaching to paint full time, which he achieved in 2002.

Since then, Davy describes his work as being "less angst-ridden and more concerned with the changing seasons and the constant variations of light-effects on the South West tip of Scotland. Here, the light is similar in its intensity to that of Cornwall or Pembrokeshire. The same viewpoint can yield an infinite number of variations such as the sun, clouds, rain and wind making their constant shifts over land-forms and the coast-lines. The land here is largely forgotten, and provides me with a constant and infinite source of visual material which I never tire of; it is one of the last areas of wilderness in Britain."

Davy Brown has exhibited widely both in Scotland and England and his work can be found in many public and corporate collections such as the University of York, the RSPB and the British Linen Bank.