Title: Lazer
Size: 60cm x 60cm
Medium: Acrylic & Collage on Panel

Price: £1975

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About the Artist

Colin Brown - Artist Statement

My creative process is one of exploration and chance. I go into each painting with no preconceived idea - working initially on building the surface in layers and marking reference points. Gradually a dialogue between the painting and myself is developed and a definite direction is formed. Each element of the work will be constantly examined, considered and reassessed. In the final analysis great importance is placed on the finished surface, balance, structure and rhythm of the painting.

The work evolves naturally year on year, sometimes revisiting old places before moving forward again. In my current paintings the imagery has become more literal, using a combination of random elements mixed with direct references to investigate allegory and narrative, memory and impurity. Although these works perhaps give more of an indication of personal intentions, they remain open to interpretation by the viewer.
The paintings employ a variety of mixed media to explore human histories, random and specific mark making, urban imagery and a mix of personal hand writing and printed script.

My working process involves a range of materials including acrylic and oil paints, collage, glazes and varnishes. The paintings are created on wood panels and utilise more urban colours than the colours of nature. Ultimately they aim to celebrate the spirit of modern culture, the pleasure of finding and using, and the Dada-ist ideal of looking at society in fragments.


Colin Brown has an established and ongoing record of research and creative practice. Over the past twenty nine years he has built up a strong international career profile, with regular exhibitions of his paintings throughout the UK, Europe and America.

He has spent periods of time living and painting in Europe - including a four month stay in Florence and four years in Düsseldorf. Brown is now based in Stonehaven on the north-east coast of Scotland, where he has his studio.

His paintings have received a number of awards, most notably a major Artist's Grant from The Pollock-Krasner Foundation, New York in 1996.

In his current work Brown pulls together random elements and fragments into closely controlled compositions. The paintings, which run a fine line between impulse and calculation, continuously shift context and meaning. Rather than attempting to realise a predetermined concept, his work follows a specific process which allows the painting to emerge through its' implementation.


Born in Dundee, Scotland in 1962


Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art, Dundee 1982-1987
B.A. Honours Degree in Fine Art (Painting) 1986
Post-Graduate Diploma in Fine Art (Painting) 1987


The John Kinross Scholarship 1987
Awarded by The Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh 1987
Studied in Florence, Italy 1987
The Pollock-Krasner Award 1996
Major Artist’s Grant from the Pollock-Krasner Foundation, New York 1996
Artist’s Assistance Grants Awarded by The Scottish Arts Council 1998 & 2001
Aberdeenshire Visual Arts Award 2003 & 2006
Aspect Painting Prize Finalist - Runner up Award 2005


Work represented in private collections in Scotland, Ireland, England, Italy, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium, U.S.A., New Zealand, Japan, and in the Public Collections of Highland Regional Council, Scotland; Norddeutsche Landesbank, Hanover, Germany; and Grampian Arts Trust, Scotland

Solo Exhibitions (selected)

2017 “New Work”, Kilmorack Gallery, Scotland
2016 The Marlin Project, Gallery Different, London
2014 Fraser East, St Andrews
2013 Icon Gallery, Singapore
2011 Fraser East, St Andrews
2010 Panter and Hall, London
2008 “Yesterday is Here”, John Briggs Gallery, Stonehaven
2007 “Heroes and Icons”, Mansfield Park Gallery, Glasgow
2007 “New Paintings”, Foyer Gallery, Aberdeen
2004 Urban Dada, Peacock Visual Arts, Aberdeen
2004 Woodend Barn Art Centre, Banchory
2003 Circle Gallery, Edinburgh
2000 Woodend Barn Art Centre, Banchory
1999 Nord/LB Galerie, Braunschweig, Germany
1998 Galerie Bongartz + Partner, Hanover, Germany
1997 Inverness Museum and Art Gallery, Inverness
1997 Carron Works, Peacock Visual Arts, Aberdeen
1996 Galerie Friedhelm Huter, Anrath, Germany
1996 Meffan Institute, Forfar
1994 Stadt Kramer Museum, Kempen, Germany
1993 Galerie Kulturfabrik, Krefeld, Germany
1989 Barbizon Gallery, Glasgow