Title: An Awkward Lockdown # 1
Size: 21cm x 29.7cm (A4)
Medium: Collage


About the Artist

Phill Jupitus is 60 years old has been an entertainer and broadcaster since 1990. He has done performance work with The National Gallery of Scotland in Edinburgh, The National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne, Tate Modern, Cupar art week and Pittenweem Festival.  He lives in Fife and is currently studying fine art at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art.


The best thing about collage is the speed at which you can work with colour, form and narrative. I really love the work of Linder Sterling, Kurt Schwitters, Hannah Hoch and Peter Blake. What’s great about Blake is the deeper eye he has for connection and context. There’s a vivid flighty playfulness working alongside really concrete intention. I personally enjoy using vintage images, as 20th century mechanical reproduction contains some amazingly oversaturated colours. It’s great how you can see the direct line between Eduardo Paolozzi’s early collage and later print work. Unexpected stories emerge as you construct a collage. It’s a compelling medium.