Title: The Three Mask
Size: 28cm x 37cm
Medium: Monotype

Price: £380

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About the Artist

Joseph Urie was born Glasgow 1947. Trained at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art, Dundee 1977-81 and the RA Schools 1981-84. Won a number of important awards including the Chalmers Jervis Prize and British Institute Prize 1980, Farquhar Reid travelling scholarship 1981 and the J van Beuren Wittman prize 1984. Expressionist painter, often autobiographical with use of symbols, rich colours and thick, textured brush strokes. Included in the influential “Vigorous Imagination” exhibition at SNGMA in 1987 along with rising stars Peter Howson, Ken Currie, Stephen Conroy amongst others. Included in the City collections of Glasgow, Edinburgh and Dundee.