Title: Summer Lilacs
Size: 50cm x 60cm
Medium: Acrylic on Panel

Price: £1100

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About the Artist

Dominique Cameron RSW - Artist's Statement

As an artist my practice is rooted in landscape. I walk, draw, paint, write and film my encounters through the urban environment and the rural.

I grew up in the West country, a place of beauty, boredom and economic division. The most exciting thing for us as teenagers was the local disco on a Friday night and waiting for the Top 40 on a Sunday tea-time, trying to tape it on our mono tape recorders. This lack of adventure led to walking, away from home. There were particular routes I would take often, places I got to know in detail. It was a kind of ‘mapping’, charting the unknown parts of my surrounding landscape. To this day it is something I do on arrival in a new place, except now I make things that articulate what I find as artefact, as document as re-imagined memory of place. The teenage girl is still there, I can’t quite seem to shake her off, but its comforting to know I am still as curious and awkward and persistent.


1989-92 – Napier University, Edinburgh – B.A. Photography (Distinction).

2013-14 – Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design, Dundee – MFA Art, Society and Publics.